Sustainability at every step: AMAG AL4® ever now also offers certified, low carbon primary aluminium

  • Certified sustainability: AMAG AL4® ever guarantees low CO2 emissions
  • Certified primary aluminium with a maximum of 4.0 tonnes of CO2 per tonne aluminium expands AMAG AL4® ever portfolio
  • Alouette smelter uses exclusively renewable electricity from hydropower and thus eliminates energy-related CO2 emissions completely

AMAG AL4® ever stands for aluminium products of AMAG Austria Metall AG with guaranteed low CO2 emissions and constantly high quality. After rolled and cast products, the AMAG AL4® ever product portfolio is now being expanded to include primary aluminium products. Thereby AMAG closes the circle of aluminium products with a guaranteed low COfootprint along the aluminium value chain. A certificate guarantees customers the low emission values of AMAG AL4® ever products.

Low carbon primary aluminium production in Canada

The CO2 fooprint of an aluminium smelter is directly linked to its source of energy. If electricity from coal or gas is used this leads to high COemissions. While the use of electricity from coal or gas leads to high CO2 emissions, the Alouette smelter can rely entirely on renewable electricity from hydropower in which means that almost no energy-related CO2 emissions are generated. Due to the high efficiency of the plants and the ongoing optimisation, CO2 emissions are also kept low.

The emissions of primary aluminium with the AMAG AL4® ever certificate are at a maximum of 4.0 tonnes of CO2 per tonne of aluminium. Compared to the global average of 15.1 tonnes of CO2 per tonne of aluminium (source: IAI), this corresponds to a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions of more than 70 percent.

Exceptional control and certification

As with the cast and rolled products in the AMAG AL4® ever portfolio, emissions from the raw material extraction to production (Scope 1, 2 and 3) are also taken into account for primary aluminium- i.e. along the entire value chain. The calculation is verified by Lloyd's Register Quality Assurance in accordance with ISO 14064-part3:2019 and 14067:2018.

"With the expansion of the AMAG AL4® ever product portfolio to include primary aluminium we are closing the loop on minimising emissions along the entire aluminium value chain. We are sending a strong signal in favour of sustainable production and support our customers in achieving their environmental goals," says Dr Helmut Kaufmann Chairman of the Management Board and Chief Operations Officer of AMAG Austria Metall AG.

With its combination of smelter, foundry, rolling mills and parts supplier, AMAG has all the levers along the value chain in hand to influence the product’s CO2 footprint. This makes AMAG the reference partner for low carbon aluminium products. AMAG's aim is to make all aluminium products as environmentally friendly as possible and to support its customers in achieving their environmental goals in the best possible way.


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